Wednesday, June 29, 2005


When I saw Batman in the theater there was a preview for a movie called Serenity. I’d heard of the director (Joss Whedon) before, because he writes a comic that I like called Astonishing X-men (he also created Buffy the Vampire Slayer), so, I was intrigued.

Turns out that the movie is based on a TV series by Mr. Whedon called Firefly. I had heard rumblings on the internet about Firefly. Apparently people dig it, and the critics liked it, but it got cancelled during it’s first season.

Like any responsible American would do I decided to investigate, so I ordered up the DVD’s on Blockbuster Online. I’ve watched the first seven episodes and guess what. It’s good. It’s a space western about a group of smuggler types. I like it a lot. Too bad it got cancelled. Hopefully hype from DVD sales, and the movie will be enough to warrant a second season.

At least if it doesn’t work out I still have the new Battlestar Galactica (best show on TV by the way).