Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Here’s Water in Your Eye.

Today was Loredana’s birthday party number four. For the uninitiated, Loredana is one of those Citizen people that live with us. As always, summer parties in the “Big House” have water activities outside, which means that Uncle Brad (that’s me), gets into shenanigans with the kids, and sprays them with the hose. For the second consecutive party I succeeded in spraying Emma (another one of those Citizens), in the eye. She really hates when I do that (I don’t do it on purpose).

In an effort to calm Emma down I decided to demonstrate the harmless effects of getting water in one’s eye. I sprayed the hose directly into my wide open eyeballs, and said to Emma, “See it doesn’t hurt”.

“You closed your eyes!” She protested

“No I didn’t. They were wide open. It even stings.” Ha! I’ve got her now.

“See.” She says matter of factly.

“Oh.” I guess she got me.