Monday, December 12, 2005

Funny Stuff That Ben Said Recently

He fell out of the shopping cart at Wal-mart, and later when I asked if his head hurt, he said, “Nope, it’s all fix”.

He calls Marie and I by our first names at least a couple of times a day.

He dropped his sucker, and it broke, so he ran to tell me, “I dwop my fweakin’ sucker!”

He asked me to put a movie on for him, and I told him to ask his Mom, but he said, “No, she’s crazy”.

Then a minute or two later when she was putting the movie on for him she asked “Am I crazy Ben?”

To which he replied, “No, you’re a genius.” We were both stunned, and we were asking ourselves where he learned to say that.

A few minutes later we got our answer as we were listening to his movie (Beauty and the Beast), and we hear a conversation between Belle, and her father. The father calls himself crazy, and Belle replies, “You’re not crazy you’re a genius.”

We got Koonya’s biopsy results last week. He does have cancer. The Vet. said he would live another few months if we didn’t treat it, but he could make it up to a year with Chemo. Call us heartless, but Chemo. is very expensive, and we don’t see the point in spending all that money on a losing cause. If it was a person, sure we’d do everything we could, and a lot of people would do everything they could for their pet, but that ain’t us. Sorry Koonya, we’re going to miss you.